2018 - Star Wolf's Den

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Money Jar Spell
September 20, 20180 Comments

Magic, in this case money spells, has been used since ancient times. If you are new to to spell casting, I would understand why you believe magic is evil. But in a sense, you should always educate yourself before doubting or judging something. I will be creating another post in the future to dive into the topic of magic, but for now we will discuss how to create a money jar. What is a spell? A spell is nothing more than applying your intent, which is something you do unconsciously everyday. You may be looking into making a money jar of your own but I highly suggest that you only do so if you 100% believe in what it is you are doing, or the spell simply will not work. If you go into the process of gathering and combining each item with the thought of ,"maybe this won't work," than you've already wasted your time. Having that doubt tells the universe that you're not ready to manifest your desires, which sets you back a lot. I made a money spell jar recently and to my surprise it actually worked! Before I had created the jar, I had a small amount of doubt, only because I'm still new to the practice of magic (knowing and understanding), so I waited until I was ready. After I combined everything into my jar, about two days later, I made about $30 from selling some digital art. This all happened because I was doubt-free. There are tons of ingredients you could add to your money jar. You can do a little research to find the items of your choice, anything you feel corresponds to money or wealth will do. I will provide links to sources that will assist you on the path to creating your own money jars and spells.

Here is the list of ingredients I used to craft my own money spell jar:

1 small mason jar (with a lid)
1 penny
A few drops of money oil (purchased from a local Pagan Shop)

It is up to you to determine if and when you should create another money jar. Always follow your intuition.

Amazon: Grimoire for the Green Witch
The Crystal Fox: Money Oil

Reading Time:

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Dreams: The Great Mystery
September 13, 20180 Comments

Each night we close our eyes, there is a great chance that a dream will occur. This could be a pleasant dream or even a nightmare. Some studies show that most dreams occur during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state. This is the state at which we are in the deepest stage of sleep. At this point, your body becomes very relaxed and immobile. Sounds familiar? Ever heard of "sleep paralysis"? REM sleep and sleep paralysis appear to have some of the same characteristics in my opinion, but many argue that sleep paralysis happens on very rare occasions. Let's just leave that argument for another time.

So, what exactly is a dream? Is it your imagination playing tricks on you? Is it a short movie played inside of your head based on your most recent thoughts? Or could it be a lot deeper than that? What if when we sleep, we subconsciously project ourselves to alternative dimensions and return when we are ready or aren't capable of handling the events that may be taking place? So many questions, I know. These are all things we have to take into consideration when trying to understand this strange phenomenon. Here's some food for thought:

"Lets suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream,

and you would naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes.

You would have every kind of pleasure, you see,

and after several nights you would say, “well that was pretty great.”

But now lets have a surprise, lets have a dream which isn’t under control.

Well something is going to happen to me that i don’t know what it’s gonna be.

Then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream, and finally you would dream where you are now.

If you awaken from this illusion,

and you understand that black implies white,

self implies other,

life implies death.

You can feel yourself, not as a stranger in the world,

not as something here on probation, not as something that has arrived here by fluke, but you can begin to feel your own existence as absolutely fundamental.

What you are basically, deep, deep down, far, far in, is simply the fabric and structure 
of existence itself." Alan Watts

From what I have heard so far, we always have multiple dreams every night. If this is true, many of us may not be in-tuned with our subconscious minds, along with having a lack of memory. A great way to begin the process of remembering your dreams is to start a dream journal. Keep a dream journal and pen next to your bed so that in the event that you do remember a dream you just had, you can wake up and quickly write down everything you could remember. Once you get into the habit of recording your dreams, you should then be able to remember and understand them. I was thinking of adding information in this post about symbols and what your dreams could possibly mean, but I decided to make a separate post with a list of symbols and correspondences.


How often do you dream?
Do you remember many of the dreams you have?
Are there any recurring dreams that you may need help interpreting? 
Do you have a dream journal?
Why do you think we dream every night?

Reading Time:
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