The Alkaline Diet: Short and Sweet Benefits for Your Health - Star Wolf's Den

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Alkaline Diet: Short and Sweet Benefits for Your Health

What is the Alkaline diet?

An alkaline diet consists of fruits, vegetables and natural plant based proteins (usually raw) that help the body to maintain an electric pH level. pH (potential of Hydrogen) is a scale used to specify the acidity or alkalinity of water soluble substances, which measures from 0 to 14. If the pH is low, that means there is more acid present. The higher the pH, the more alkalinity. Research shows that the more balanced your pH levels are, the lesser the chance the body has of allowing disease to take root. If you take a look back in time, you will find that almost 90% of our ancestors lived based on an alkaline diet. There were no frightening processed foods back then, so their diets did not have a negative impact on them.

What to Know About the Alkaline diet:

  • Helps to prevent disease in the body
  • Foods that are low on the pH scale are more acidic and can lead to health issues
  • Raw fruits, veggies and unprocessed nuts and oils should be eaten daily
  • Helps to prevent issues with inflammation, diabetes, muscle mass, hypertension, and chronic pain
  • Aids in weight management
  • Improves immunity and vitamin absorption
  • Improves digestion and reduces gas
  • Supports memory and concentration
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Makes you happy overall!

Acidic Foods to Avoid:
  • Meats and processed foods
  • Sugar
  • Processed cheeses
  • Grains (corn, rice wheat)
  • Soda and other sweetened beverages
  • Coffee

Some Electric (Alkaline) Food to Take In:
  • Vegetables– Wild arugula, avocados, bell peppers, garbanzo beans, mushrooms (all except Shitake), squash, Cherry or plum tomatoes.
  • Fruits– Apples, bananas, dates, figs, seeded grapes, mangoes, papayas, soft jelly coconuts, soursops
  • Herbal teas– Chamomile, burdock, raspberry, elderberry
  • Oils– Olive, Grapeseed, avocado, hempseed, sesame
Dr. Sebi's list of alkaline food (Cell Food)


The alkaline diet may be a bit too restrictive for some, but please take into consideration the benefits of heating healthy. Who doesn't love a lovely fresh salad or colorful bowl of fruit? I would suggest starting out with adding more fruits and vegetables (seeded) to your meals each day, then gradually make the switch to a more alkaline rich diet. Please note that you may eat healthy but if you're constantly stressed and your mind is always "out of whack", you may still encounter health problems.

Shop Related Products:

Hemp Seed Hearts, great for adding to salads and making milk.

Pure Sea Salt, best salt to use over table salt.

(I am an Amazon affiliate. Purchases made after clicking my Amazon links provides me with earnings at no extra cost to you)

*Information based solely on research only. I am not a doctor.*

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