Star Wolf's Den

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

“Learn This, and Your Life Will Change Forever!”
July 02, 20190 Comments
“Learn This, and Your Life Will Change Forever!”
I’d like you to imagine a garden.
In this garden, the soil is always rich with nutrients and what you plant, it will grow. There is rain and sun so you don’t have to worry about anything.
You can plant anything. There are no restrictions.
You can plant roses or you can plant poison ivy. You can plant tomatoes or you can plant nightshade, a deadly poison. What you put in, as a seed, will eventually grow into something much bigger.
This garden is your mind and the seeds you can plant are your thoughts.
Your mind is a fertile place where the thoughts you plant, will grow and make up for what your life is.
Or as the old passage from the Bible goes, from the book of proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7:
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,".
Your thoughts, your convictions, manifest the surrounding reality.
Your life, good or bad, is nothing more than a reflection of the thoughts you’ve planted in your mind and nourished. These thoughts became behaviors. Behaviors became results.
You are where you are right now because deep down in your heart, this is where you wanted to be, no matter how sad or unfair this may sound.
This principle is one of the oldest spiritual laws in existence. It’s also one of the best known. You may know it under a different term.
This is “you become what you think about”.
And you can find this in all of world’s religions.
Some variation of this exists in Hinduism, in Christianity and in basically every other major religion. It’s found in all belief systems, as the one used by the Chinese. It’s as much of a universal law as gravity. Long before books existed, wise people understood that our thoughts manifest our reality.
It works on two levels.
First, your beliefs are connected to the universe on a quantum level. We manifest what we really believe.
Let me make this clear though.
You don’t manifest what you think you believe. You manifest what’s in your heart. If you believe you deserve unhappiness and pain, then no matter what you say, this you’ll get.
A great deal of people believe they have positive thoughts when their inner voice is always negative and destructive.
That voice will always win. Maybe this is why LoA fails for so many people - they’re trying to grow trees of prosperity and success while planting seeds of doubt and pain and suffering.
It doesn’t work this way.
You get what’s in your heart. The universe will manifest it. But what’s in your heart is the truth and we may not always know of this truth.
Life doesn’t give you what you intended.
Life gives you what you ask.
And while many people intend for wealth and joy and health, their thoughts are of poverty and sadness and despair. Since this is what they’re planting, this is what the universe is manifesting.
Second, your thoughts lead to beliefs.
Your beliefs lead to actions.
Your actions lead to outcomes.
Your outcomes leads to your destiny.
The thoughts you plant in your mind will determine how you act, on a level that’s so subtle that you can’t even perceive it. Who you are, is the consequence of the thoughts you’ve adopted.
It’s hard to realize this.
It’s on the same level of breathing.
You realize your breath only if you pay attention. You realize your behavior and where it comes from only if you analyze it. But everything you are comes from the thoughts you’ve once planted in your mind and then let them become a part of you.
So when you plant positive thoughts, you get positive results.
When you plant love and happiness, your behavior will reflect love and it will create happiness for yourself and for others.
When you plant thoughts of prosperity and wealth, your behavior will create wealth and prosperity in the world.
Think of this like the captain of an airplane. An airplane is huge, carries hundreds of passengers and weighs tens of tons. Yet, you will find just one or two pilots in the cockpit, controlling this huge machine.
So is with your life.
Even if your behavior is infinitely complex, there are just a few thoughts that control all of it and if you replace those thoughts, everything will change for you too.
The thoughts you plant in it will both manifest reality as in creating reality itself and shape your behavior to create the results you want.
Both are important.
This world is a 50 - 50 place.
The universe can manifest the opportunities you require at this moment but you must act to take advantage. If luck knocks at your door, you still need to open the door.
It’s like in this old joke.
A fisherman is caught up in a storm. His boat is sinking. Desperate, he prays to God.
“God, please save me, I’ll be good, I’ll repent, just save me”
A few minutes later, a boat shows up.
“Hi there, do you need any help?”, the good Samaritan asks him.
“No, no, God will save me”, the fisherman answers.
Perplexed, the savior leaves.
Ten minutes later, the same things happen. Another boat shows up. They offer to help him. The fisherman refuses saying that God will help him.
Eventually, the boat sinks, he dies and goes to heaven. There, face to face with God, he asks …
“God, why did you left me to die? I prayed to you and I promised I’ll repent for my sins”.
God looks at him and says “What are you talking about? I’ve sent you two boats”.
This is a joke, but this is how life works too.
We manifest opportunities but you must take advantage of these opportunities. If you are a real estate agent and you want to close a huge deal, your thoughts will manifest this opportunity. The universe will align the people, places and circumstances for this to happen.
But these people, places and circumstances won’t come to you in your living room. You must still act and do something.
Or maybe you want to find the love of your life.
Thoughts of love and appreciation will manifest your ideal partner but your partner won’t knock at the door and ask you for a date.
The universe is like a tree that offers you the fruits you need, in infinite abundance, but you still must grab those fruits from the tree.
And it all starts with your thoughts, with your beliefs.
Make a commitment now to fill your mind with positive thoughts. Make a commitment to think only thoughts of love and joy and wealth.
At first, it will be hard.
If you’re used to plant only poison in your mind, it will take a while until you take it all out. But once you do, you’ll notice something incredible happening. You’ll see how you’ll walk into the right circumstances. You’ll find yourself in the right places, at the right time, to get what you want.
How can I help you do this?
Manifestation Magic contains hidden NLP commands which act as seeds to plant in your subconscious mind.
NLP is a powerful technology built around the best schools of psychotherapy and hypnosis. It allows you to “program” your subconscious mind - planting seeds into the fertile ground of your mind and heart.
This means you can listen to these tracks before going to sleep and change what you think, putting no effort at all.
Manifestation Magic always contains the best of brainwave entrainment, which trains the brain to operate at a higher frequency and is built around the Solfeggio scales, tones that will heal you and help you manifest miracles in your life.
Click below to discover how Manifestation Magic can help you plant better thoughts into your mind and manifest the life you deserve.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

How and Why You Should Be Taking Spiritual Baths
June 26, 20190 Comments

How and Why You Should Be Taking Spiritual Baths

There are so many times where you’re either having a bad day, have a lot on your mind, or you just aren’t feeling up to par. How do you tackle these ailments so that you can move freely throughout the day? Some turn to things like coffee, others go as low as smoking cigarettes because they don’t know how to take that extra step mentally, to solve their problems. Trust me, the last thing you want to do is fall to cigarettes, yuck! 

So what exactly is a spiritual bath? A spiritual bath is nothing more than a cleansing session where you take the necessary time to yourself to cleanse the physical body, your aura and you mind. You can also use them to attract luck, prosperity, and even love. There is no set way to take a spiritual bath, your ritual is completely up to you. We’ll go over some examples of what you can use and how you should proceed with the bath later in this post.

Now I bet you’re wondering, “Star Wolf, why should I take these baths? How do I benefit from them?”. Let’s start by saying that there are no negatives to indulging in a spiritual bath. Many of you already bathe in the tub anyway, so why not take an extra step to heal yourself and your mind? Along with cleansing, relaxing, and attracting things like love and success, the baths aid in grounding the soul. Listed below are some of the possible steps and tools you can implement when you begin to take your much needed spiritual baths.

Preparing for Your Bath and Setting Intent

One of the first and most important steps you should take before taking your spiritual bath is simple, setting your intent. Setting your intent is basically figuring out and knowing the reason why your doing something. You can draw your bath and expect healing results without knowing where to direct the healing energy. To get the best and most effective results, be sure to cleanse your space. Remove the clutter, get rid of any trash, and open the windows to let in fresh air. It may also be a great idea to shower before the bath, to be sure your body is open to new energy.

Gathering Your Necessities and Setting the Mood

The items you bring into the bathroom with you should all be there to support the intention you are focusing on. There are not set rules on what you should have or use during your spiritual baths. One way to set the mood is by utilizing candles. Candles are great because they serve so many roles. They can be used in place of inorganic light, the aromas are extremely therapeutic, and create this general ambience like no other. You may also want to incorporate herbs and essential oils that correspond to the intention you choose to set. There are tons of herbs you can use, it’s just the matter of picking the ones that suit your needs. In The Grimoire for the Green Witch, Ann Moura lists several herb blends to incorporate in your herbal spiritual baths:

Four Lit TealightsFor Comforting: Calendula (Marigold), Chamomile, Lavender, Mint, Raspberry Leaves, Rosemary.

For Energy: Heather, Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Savory.

For Peace: Chamomile, Hops, Lavender, Peppermint, Rose.

For Relaxation: Chamomile, Dianthus, Heather, Jasmine Flower, Lemon Balm.

Soothing: Calendula, Chamomile, Lavender, Mint, Rosemary.

Stress Relief: Chamomile, Dianthus, Lemon Balm.

Music is another component that I believe could really help bring in wanted energy. You could listen to meditation music, nature sounds, or your favorite songs. You can also use white noise machines, which are pretty unique on their own. Of course, be sure to keep all electronics away from the water because you can’t go into a spiritual bath creating additional problems for yourself. 

Sea salt is another must have in my opinion. Sea salt is used to help draw out the impurities in the body, such as bacteria and other debris. When choosing you salts, be sure to pick the best quality, unprocessed salts. Normal table salt should be avoided because it takes out needed minerals, instead of drawing them in. 100% natural, raw and unrefined Himalayan Pink Sea Salt.

If it tickles your fancy, you could even have a nice cool glass of wine on the side. Wine or spirits, can easily help you relax and wind down. Don’t worry if you aren’t the average drinker, a glass of wine here and there won’t hurt you at all. And if you’re into spirituality, you may be aware that the spirits love “spirits”.

Combining it All and Diving in Deep

Now that you’ve cleansed your space, and gathered your intent and tools, it’s time to combine it all together. Step into the water filled with lovely scented herbs, sit down and begin to take that mental dive into the world of relaxation. If you’re tense, this bath just won’t work for you. As the water rushes around the tub, imagine all of the negative energy being pulled from your body and your intentions being manifested. Create your own experience! When your bath is complete, release the water down the drain and envision all of that unwanted energy flowing away, and thank the universe for all it has done and will do for you. 

Image Credits: Healing Magick and Pinterest

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Friday, June 21, 2019

3 Great Books for Astral Projecting
June 21, 20190 Comments

Anyone who has the slightest interest in why we dream or the state of dreaming in general may have stumbled across the term "astral projection" or "astral travel" at some point. Well, what exactly does it mean? In esotericism, the term astral projection relates to a very interesting out-of-body experience (OBE) that occurs when the conscious self or soul separates from the physical body and travels through different planes, universes or dimensions with complete awareness. Some have been able to consciously astral travel while in deep meditation as well. Without practice, it is usually difficult to achieve conscious astral travel or astral projection. Yet, when intentions are set before bed and you implement will power, you are then able to control your dream as if it was some sort of marionette. 

For example, let's say you always wanted to visit a certain location but you weren't able to physically travel there. In astral travel or astral projection, you could set the intention to travel to this place and actually be able to see, smell, hear and touch the elements surrounding that particular place. After your fancy travels through the dream world, you then return back to the physical body. Listed below are several books that you can read through that will give a better idea of how to astral project. Many of the books offer exercises to better assist in your projection experiments.

Astral Dynamics: The Complete Book of Out of Body Experiences

Astral projection is a technique that lets your soul explore the universe while leaving your body behind. It's been a topic of endless speculation. If you've ever wanted to try it, Astral Dynamics is the perfect guide for you.

Astral Dynamics will teach you everything you need to know to accomplish successful out-of-body travel. It explores the physics of the nonphysical world and provides useful advice for astral travelers, including how to exit the body, how to get around on the astral plane, and how to get back to your body with solid memories of the event. The guide is written in plain language with commonsense terminology.

Robert Bruce brings his twenty-five years of inter-dimensional experience to the aid of astral travelers around the world.

The Astral Projection Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Astral Travel

Learn to Master Astral Travel

Would you like to walk through walls, fly around the world, reconnect with deceased loved ones, and explore time and space?
Have you had a terrifying out of body encounter that left you fearful of ever exploring astral projection? Would you like to know how to travel the astral realms safely and protect yourself from unwanted projections?
Whether you are a novice or an experienced astral traveler, the Astral Projection Guidebook will teach you how to master astral projection safely and effectively.

Astral Travel for Beginners: Transcend Time and Space with Out of Body Experiences

What you've done thousands of times in your sleep can now become a totally conscious experience with the help of this handy guidebook. You'll soon learn to leave your body and explore the astral realm with confidence and safety.
Achieving your first astral travel experience is always the most difficult and no single method will work for everyone. That's why the techniques in this book are carefully graded to step by step through an actual out-of-body experience. And with fifteen time-tested methods to choose from you're sure to be astral traveling in no time.

Once you learn to leave your body, the freedom you'll discover will transform your life. Explore new worlds… learn to travel with a partner… go back and forth through time… even find a lover… but, most importantly, lose your fear of death as you discover that you are a spiritual being independent of your physical body.
 (Buy now on Amazon)

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