May 2019 - Star Wolf's Den

Thursday, May 30, 2019

8 Natural Ways to Heal
May 30, 20190 Comments

The ancient art of natural healing has been around probably since the beginning of time. In this "New Age", there is a bounteous amount of people looking for and changing the ways they heal themselves of disease "dis-ease". It seems as if the days of relying on conventional healing are creeping towards an end. While many may still want and/or need to visit a "medical professional", others are quite keen on going the alternate route and searching high and low for the best ways to heal themselves naturally. There takes a lot of research to be able to successfully heal on your own. What's great about alternative or holistic healing is that there are countless options to choose from. Here is a list of 11 natural ways to heal. 

Herbal Healing

When it comes to healing, we typically want a simple remedy that's quick and easy. This includes the usage of herbal teas, tinctures, salves, oils more. For example, to sooth a sore throat, you could steep some fresh ginger root to make a warm and spicy tea. Or if you are bitten by an insect, apply crushed sage leaves directly to the area of the bit. If you have noticed, almost everyone you know has some sort of collection of herbs and spices in the kitchens or pantries. With that in mind, notice how easy it is for you to simply learn additional information about those very same herbs and spices so that you know how to treat any ailments you may have.


Aromatherapy is one of my favorite natural healing methods. This form of therapy helps to emotionally and physically balance the mind, body, and soul through the sense of smell. Have you ever been in a particularly bad mood, and then "coincidently" you catch the sweet smell of cakes and pastries coming from your local bakery? What about feeling as if you were lacking in energy and then peeling a fresh orange or lemon and becoming completely energized with a sense of renewal? To treat with aromatherapy there are many options to choose from based on your liking, these include: candles, incense, oil diffusers and aroma sprays.


Little do some know, they unconsciously heal themselves through sound all the time. Sound healing is used to raise the body's vibration or frequency, which ultimately causes a change in mood.  A list of sound healing instruments include: harps, drums, singing bowls, and tuning forks.


It is believed that yoga may have originated over 5,000 years ago in India. What is yoga? Yoga is the practice of optimizing the functions of the body (reducing stress, improving flexibility and gaining strength to name a few) through a series of asanas (postures). Yoga is practiced almost everywhere, including: homes, studios, beaches and even in the forests.

Possibly the most powerful healing technique used today, is the process of stilling the mind. When you meditate, you maintain a consistent flow of concentration. Focus can be placed upon many thing such as a certain thought, a color, image, sound, smell, or breath (Pranic healing).

Benefits of Meditating:

  • Improves learning ability
  • Relieves stress
  • Increases energy
  • Improved concentration and memory
  • Reduces insomnia 
  • Increases self-esteem
  • Reduces biological aging

Color or Chromotherapy Healing

Chromotherapy or color treatment is the process of healing through color. In Egyptian mythology, the god Thoth is responsible for discovering color therapy. Each and every color has it's own special healing properties. Tools used to assist the healing of ailments: Gems and stones, candles, light, paint, colored clothing.


This type of therapy utilizes water to heal naturally. Different methods include usage of saunas, steam baths, and Wtasu (an aquatic massage conducted in a warm water pool).

Pranic Healing
Pranic healing, prana being the Sanskrit word for "life force", involves sending energy through the body by the laying of the hands. To increase prana energy, breathing exercises or Pranayama can be done which will help balance negative and positive bioelectrical currents in the body. 

Recommended Read:

Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients into Foods and Remedies That Heal

(I am an Amazon affiliate. Purchases made after clicking my Amazon links provides me with earnings at no extra cost to you)

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

5 Health Benefits of Ginger
May 29, 20190 Comments

Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale
Plant Family: Zingiberaceae

Magical Properties
Abundance ● Healing ● Love ● Protection ● Success

Plant Overview
Ginger is a spice that has been around for centuries. It is a perennial root that spreads underground and grows about two foot tall narrow, bright green leaves. Although the origins of the plant are not known, it is believed that it may be an Asian native, with traces found in Africa, Jamaica and the West Indies. Ginger has been utilized around the world in traditional medicine practices and also makes appearances in beer, candy and soft drinks. It is very common to find ginger root and ground ginger in kitchens all over.


  • Tea
  • Essential oil
  • Oleoresin
  • Condiment
  • Poultice
  • Juice
  • Tincture

5 Healing Benefits of Ginger

  1. Helps Treat Nausea 
Dealing with a case of nausea is never fun for anyone. Whether it being stemmed from motion sickness, morning sickness, or a meal gone bad, you can most likely count on ginger to save the day. 12 studies conducted on roughly 1,300 pregnant women have shown that about 1-1.5grams of ginger can be used to reduce symptoms of nausea. (As always, be sure to do your research before ingesting anything while pregnant).

Additional research has been done and showed that ginger helped relieve chemotherapy related nausea.

       2. Stimulates Digestion
Ginger is said to be able to speed up the digestion process by 25 percent. So if you may have eaten something you know shouldn't have been on the menu and your tummy begins to rumble, have a cup of ginger tea.

       3. Reduces Menstrual Pains
If you have a womb and have already experienced what it's like to have diabolical menstrual cramps, you may have needed to, at some point, find ways to sooth your stomach pains. Studies have been conducted and have found that ginger is as effective as ibuprofen. 

       4. Relieves Muscle Pain
Ginger has been used on a daily basis (about 2 grams per day) to moderately help reduce muscle pain caused by exercise or muscle related injury.

       5. May Improve Brain Function
Inflammation and stress are culprits in the generation of Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that antioxidants and bioactive compounds found in ginger discourage inflammation in the brain. Ginger also helps to improve memory and reaction time.

*More information on statements mentioned here can be found by visiting:*
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The Alkaline Diet: Short and Sweet Benefits for Your Health
May 29, 20190 Comments

What is the Alkaline diet?

An alkaline diet consists of fruits, vegetables and natural plant based proteins (usually raw) that help the body to maintain an electric pH level. pH (potential of Hydrogen) is a scale used to specify the acidity or alkalinity of water soluble substances, which measures from 0 to 14. If the pH is low, that means there is more acid present. The higher the pH, the more alkalinity. Research shows that the more balanced your pH levels are, the lesser the chance the body has of allowing disease to take root. If you take a look back in time, you will find that almost 90% of our ancestors lived based on an alkaline diet. There were no frightening processed foods back then, so their diets did not have a negative impact on them.

What to Know About the Alkaline diet:

  • Helps to prevent disease in the body
  • Foods that are low on the pH scale are more acidic and can lead to health issues
  • Raw fruits, veggies and unprocessed nuts and oils should be eaten daily
  • Helps to prevent issues with inflammation, diabetes, muscle mass, hypertension, and chronic pain
  • Aids in weight management
  • Improves immunity and vitamin absorption
  • Improves digestion and reduces gas
  • Supports memory and concentration
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Makes you happy overall!

Acidic Foods to Avoid:
  • Meats and processed foods
  • Sugar
  • Processed cheeses
  • Grains (corn, rice wheat)
  • Soda and other sweetened beverages
  • Coffee

Some Electric (Alkaline) Food to Take In:
  • Vegetables– Wild arugula, avocados, bell peppers, garbanzo beans, mushrooms (all except Shitake), squash, Cherry or plum tomatoes.
  • Fruits– Apples, bananas, dates, figs, seeded grapes, mangoes, papayas, soft jelly coconuts, soursops
  • Herbal teas– Chamomile, burdock, raspberry, elderberry
  • Oils– Olive, Grapeseed, avocado, hempseed, sesame
Dr. Sebi's list of alkaline food (Cell Food)


The alkaline diet may be a bit too restrictive for some, but please take into consideration the benefits of heating healthy. Who doesn't love a lovely fresh salad or colorful bowl of fruit? I would suggest starting out with adding more fruits and vegetables (seeded) to your meals each day, then gradually make the switch to a more alkaline rich diet. Please note that you may eat healthy but if you're constantly stressed and your mind is always "out of whack", you may still encounter health problems.

Shop Related Products:

Hemp Seed Hearts, great for adding to salads and making milk.

Pure Sea Salt, best salt to use over table salt.

(I am an Amazon affiliate. Purchases made after clicking my Amazon links provides me with earnings at no extra cost to you)

*Information based solely on research only. I am not a doctor.*

Sources and Credits:
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Monday, May 20, 2019

Gemini: Correspondences
May 20, 20190 Comments
Gemini: Correspondences
(May 21-June 21)

Image: Twins
Duality: Masculine
Element: Air
Nature: Mutable
Qualities, Issues, Powers: Intellectual, versatile, energetic, lives in the mind, adaptable, communication, knowledge, balance
Polarity: Sagittarius
Ruling Planet: Mercury (Mercury rules communication and travel)
Dominant Keyword: I THINK
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Green, Brown, Blue, Violet, Red
Chakras: Heart, Throat
Tarot: Magician, Lovers
Day: Wednesday
Energy: Yang
Gemstones and Minerals: Agate, Cat's Eye, Citrine, Emerald, Serpentine, Tourmaline
Body Parts Ruled: Arms, hands, lungs, shoulders
Herbs/Plants: Eyebright, Bergamot, Clover, Ivy, Lily of the Valley, Vervain, Snapdragon, Yarrow, Mugwort
Trees: Hazel, Chestnut, Beech, Walnut, Laurel, Hawthorn
Archangel: Ambriel
Angel: Sarayel
Hebrew Name: Teomim
Goddesses: Artemis, Seshat, Inanna
Gods: Thoth, Apollo, Odin, Mercury, Krishna, Hermes

The Magician & The Lovers
(Rider Waite Tarot Deck)

Lily of the Valley

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